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Abituriyentlər üçün prestij ingilis dili test pdf: TQDK imtahanlarına hazırlıq


How to Prepare for Prestij Ingilis Dili Test PDF

If you are planning to pursue higher education or apply for a scholarship in Azerbaijan, you may need to take the prestij ingilis dili test pdf. This is a standardized English language proficiency test that assesses your listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. In this article, we will explain what this test is, how to register and take it, and how to prepare for it effectively. We will also share some useful online resources and tools that can help you improve your English skills and boost your confidence.

prestij ingilis dili test pdf

What is prestij ingilis dili test pdf and why is it important?

Prestij ingilis dili test pdf is a test that measures your English language skills, especially for academic purposes. It is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which defines six levels of language proficiency from A1 (beginner) to C2 (proficient). The test consists of four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Each section has a different number of questions and a different time limit. The total duration of the test is about 3 hours.

Taking this test is important for several reasons. First, it can help you demonstrate your English language ability to universities, colleges, and scholarship providers in Azerbaijan. Many institutions require a minimum score on this test as part of their admission or application criteria. Second, it can help you prepare for academic studies in English-medium programs. The test covers topics and tasks that are relevant to academic contexts, such as reading academic texts, writing essays, listening to lectures, and giving presentations. Third, it can help you improve your English skills and identify your strengths and weaknesses. By taking this test, you can get feedback on your performance and learn how to improve your areas of improvement.

How to register and take the test?

To register for the prestij ingilis dili test pdf, you need to visit the official website of the test provider, Güvən nəşriyyatı. There, you can find information about the test dates, locations, fees, and requirements. You can also download a registration form and fill it out with your personal details and preferred test date and location. You need to submit the form along with a copy of your ID card and a receipt of payment to one of the authorized centers listed on the website. You will receive a confirmation email with your registration number and instructions on how to access the test.

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To take the test, you need to have a computer with a stable internet connection, a webcam, a microphone, and headphones. You also need to have a valid ID card with you. You need to log in to the test platform using your registration number and password at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start time of the test. You will be asked to verify your identity by showing your ID card to the proctor (a person who monitors the test). You will also be asked to show your surroundings to ensure that you are not using any unauthorized materials or devices during the test.

The test will start with a short tutorial that explains how to use the platform and answer the questions. You will then proceed to complete each section of the test in order: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. You will not be able to skip or go back to any questions once you have answered them. You will also not be able to pause or stop the test once it has started. You will see a timer on the screen that shows how much time you have left for each section. You will hear a beep sound when you have 5 minutes left for each section.

What are the benefits of taking the test What are the benefits of taking the test?

There are many benefits of taking the prestij ingilis dili test pdf. Here are some of them:

  • It can help you achieve your academic goals. Whether you want to study at a prestigious university, apply for a competitive scholarship, or pursue a research project, taking this test can prove your English language proficiency and increase your chances of success.

  • It can help you improve your English skills. By preparing for and taking this test, you can practice and enhance your listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. You can also learn new vocabulary, grammar, and expressions that are useful for academic purposes.

  • It can help you boost your confidence. By taking this test, you can challenge yourself and overcome your fears of speaking or writing in English. You can also get feedback on your performance and identify your strengths and weaknesses. This can help you improve your self-esteem and motivation.

What are the main features and content of the test?

The prestij ingilis dili test pdf has four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Each section has a different number of questions, a different time limit, and a different score range. The table below summarizes the main features and content of each section:

Section Number of questions Time limit Score range Content --- --- --- --- --- Listening 40 40 minutes 0-40 You will listen to four recordings of native English speakers and answer multiple-choice questions based on what you hear. The recordings include two conversations and two monologues on academic topics. Reading 40 60 minutes 0-40 You will read three passages of academic texts and answer multiple-choice questions based on what you read. The passages cover a variety of subjects such as history, science, art, and culture. Writing 2 60 minutes 0-40 You will write two essays based on two different prompts. The first essay is an argumentative essay where you have to express your opinion on a given topic and support it with reasons and examples. The second essay is an informative essay where you have to summarize and compare information from two sources. Speaking 4 15 minutes 0-40 You will speak with a human examiner via video call and complete four tasks. The first task is an introduction where you have to talk about yourself and your background. The second task is a short presentation where you have to talk about a topic that you have prepared in advance. The third task is a discussion where you have to exchange opinions with the examiner on a related topic. The fourth task is a summary where you have to summarize the main points of the discussion. How to prepare for the test?

Preparing for the prestij ingilis dili test pdf requires time, effort, and strategy. Here are some tips and steps that can help you prepare for the test effectively:

  • Analyze your current level of English proficiency. Before you start preparing for the test, you need to know where you stand and what you need to improve. You can take a diagnostic test or a mock test to assess your strengths and weaknesses in each section of the test. You can also check the CEFR level descriptors to see what skills and competencies are expected at each level.

  • Set realistic and specific goals for yourself. Based on your current level and the score that you need or want to achieve, set realistic and specific goals for yourself. For example, if you need to score at least 30 out of 40 in each section, you can set a goal to improve your listening by 5 points, your reading by 4 points, your writing by 3 points, and your speaking by 2 points in a certain period of time.

  • Make a study plan and stick to it. Based on your goals and the time that you have before the test date, make a study plan that covers all the sections of the test and allocates enough time for each one. For example, you can dedicate one hour per day for listening practice, one hour per day for reading practice, one hour per day for writing practice, and one hour per day for speaking practice. You can also schedule some time for reviewing grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation rules.

  • Use authentic materials and resources to practice. To prepare for the test effectively, you need to use authentic materials and resources that reflect the content and format of the test. You can use textbooks, websites, podcasts, videos, articles, books, magazines, newspapers, etc. that cover academic topics and tasks similar to those in the test. You can also use official sample tests or past papers[^4 to practice under test conditions and familiarize yourself with the types of questions and tasks that you will encounter in the test.

  • Get feedback and guidance from experts and peers. To prepare for the test effectively, you need to get feedback and guidance from experts and peers who can help you improve your performance and correct your mistakes. You can join online courses, forums, groups, or communities that offer test preparation services or support. You can also find a tutor, a teacher, a mentor, or a friend who can give you feedback and advice on your listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills.

  • Review and revise your progress regularly. To prepare for the test effectively, you need to review and revise your progress regularly and adjust your study plan accordingly. You can use self-assessment tools, checklists, rubrics, or score reports to monitor your improvement and identify your areas of improvement. You can also take practice tests or mock tests periodically to measure your progress and see how close you are to your goals.

What are some tips and strategies to ace the test?

Besides preparing for the test effectively, you also need to apply some tips and strategies to ace the test on the test day. Here are some of them:

  • Manage your time wisely. Time management is crucial for acing the test, as you have a limited time for each section and question. You need to allocate your time wisely and avoid spending too much time on one question or task. You also need to keep track of the time and pace yourself accordingly. You can use the timer on the screen or a watch to monitor your time.

  • Read and listen carefully. Reading and listening carefully is essential for acing the test, as you need to understand the questions and tasks clearly and accurately. You need to read and listen for the main idea, the specific details, the implied meaning, the tone, and the purpose of the texts and recordings. You also need to pay attention to the instructions, keywords, synonyms, antonyms, paraphrases, and distractors in the questions and tasks.

  • Write and speak clearly. Writing and speaking clearly is vital for acing the test, as you need to express your ideas and opinions coherently and convincingly. You need to write and speak in complete sentences, using appropriate grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, and pronunciation. You also need to organize your writing and speaking in a logical way, using transitions, connectors, introductions, conclusions, and examples.

  • Check and edit your answers. Checking and editing your answers is important for acing the test, as you need to avoid making careless mistakes that can lower your score. You need to check and edit your answers for accuracy, completeness, relevance, clarity, and consistency. You also need to correct any errors or gaps that you find in your answers.

What are some online resources and tools to practice and improve your English skills?

There are many online resources and tools that can help you practice and improve your English skills for the prestij ingilis dili test pdf. Here are some of them:

  • : This is the official website of the test provider, where you can find information about the test dates, locations, fees, requirements, registration process, sample tests, score reports, tips, FAQs, etc.

  • : This is the website of the British Council in Azerbaijan, where you can find information about English courses, exams, scholarships, events, etc. You can also access free online resources such as podcasts, videos, games, apps, etc.

  • : This is a website that offers free online English learning materials such as courses, podcasts, videos, quizzes, etc. You can also find materials that focus on academic English skills such as reading, writing, listening, speaking, etc.


In conclusion, prestij ingilis dili test pdf is a standardized English language proficiency test that measures your listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills for academic purposes. It is used by many universities, colleges, and scholarship providers in Azerbaijan as part of their admission or application criteria. To prepare for this test effectively, you need to analyze your current level of English proficiency, set realistic and specific goals for yourself, make a study plan and stick to it, use authentic materials and resources to practice, get feedback and guidance from experts and peers, and review and revise your progress regularly. You also need to apply some tips and strategies to ace the test on the test day, such as managing your time wisely, reading and listening carefully, writing and speaking clearly, and checking and editing your answers. You can also use some online resources and tools to practice and improve your English skills, such as Güvən nəşriyyatı, British Council Azerbaijan, and BBC Learning English. We hope that this article has helped you understand what prestij ingilis dili test pdf is and how to prepare for it effectively. We wish you all the best for your test and your academic goals.


Here are some frequently asked questions about prestij ingilis dili test pdf:

  • What is the minimum score required for prestij ingilis dili test pdf?

The minimum score required for prestij ingilis dili test pdf depends on the institution or program that you are applying to. Different institutions or programs may have different requirements or expectations for your English language proficiency. You can check the official website of the institution or program that you are interested in or contact them directly to find out their specific requirements or expectations.

  • How can I get my score report for prestij ingilis dili test pdf?

You can get your score report for prestij ingilis dili test pdf by logging in to the test platform using your registration number and password. You will be able to view your score report online within 10 days after the test date. You will also receive a hard copy of your score report by mail within 15 days after the test date. You can also request additional copies of your score report by contacting Güvən nəşriyyatı.

  • How can I cancel or reschedule my test date for prestij ingilis dili test pdf?

You can cancel or reschedule your test date for prestij ingilis dili test pdf by contacting Güvən nəşriyyatı at least 10 days before the scheduled test date. You will need to provide your registration number, ID card number, and reason for cancellation or rescheduling. You will also need to pay a cancellation or rescheduling fee of 20% of the test fee.

  • How can I prepare for the speaking section of prestij ingilis dili test pdf?

You can prepare for the speaking section of prestij ingilis dili test pdf by practicing your speaking skills with a native or fluent English speaker. You can also record yourself speaking on various topics and listen to your recordings to identify and correct your mistakes. You can also watch videos of sample speaking tests or past candidates' performances to get an idea of what to expect and how to perform well.

  • How can I improve my vocabulary for prestij ingilis dili test pdf?

You can improve your vocabulary for prestij ingilis dili test pdf by reading a lot of academic texts on various subjects and topics. You can also use flashcards, word lists, dictionaries, or apps to learn new words and their meanings, synonyms, antonyms, collocations, etc. You can also practice using the new words in sentences, paragraphs, essays, etc. to reinforce your learning.



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