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Design Brochure in CorelDRAW X6 13: Best Practices and Examples


Creating layouts was at the heart of the functionality of CorelDRAW X6. With support for OpenType and enhanced script support for working with foreign language text, the software made it easier to layout a huge range of projects. A new Placeholder Text let users mock up a page layout so designers never lost sight of the bigger picture.

how to design brochure in coreldraw x6 13

Over 100 popular file outputs were available in the Export Dialog box, along with customizable color profiles, file types and file sizes. So whether designers were working in print or online, there was an option for every situation.

Feel supported throughout your design journey with a tailored learning experience, and take your creativity to new heights with subscription-only extras like additional templates and integrated fonts.

We are going to take a look at brochure design and see what is involved. A brochure is typically a folded piece of paper that can have anywhere from 1 - 4 folds. The most common is a single fold and a tri-fold. A single fold gives 2 panels (front and back) where a tri-fold gives 3 panels on both sides, although it only had 2 folds.

There is no one size for a brochure, so for this project, we are going to use one half of a letter size page for each panel. From (File > New) under Name: type Brochure. For Preset Destination, select Default RGB. If this will be sent to an offset printer, then you would select Default CMYK. From the size drop-down select Half Letter and under Number of pages select 4. Click OK. The final step of the document set-up is to go to (Layout > Page Layout) and select Facing Pages and under Start on, select Left Side Start. Click OK once again.

Adding content is very straight forward. One suggestion would be to get a couple of pieces of letter size paper and fold them to resemble your brochure. Now rough sketch what you want on each of the panels, before actually adding the content in CorelDRAW. Once you have done this exercise, you will be pleased at how smooth the laying out the brochure will be.

To easily output the brochure, we are going to use something called the imposition layout tool. From (File > Print Preview), now in the toolbox on the left side, select the Imposition Layout Tool. Next, from the Property bar under the first drop down, select Booklet. You will notice that you can now see that pages 4 & 1 will print on one side and if you select Layout Template (Back) tab at the bottom of the screen you will see that pages 2 & 3 will be printed on the other side. The final step is to click on the gear icon (Print Options) on the Standard toolbar. This will allow you to select the proper printer and set it for double-sided printing.

Check out some of the other graphic design features in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, like How To Make A Gift Certificate, How To Make Your Own Calendar, How To Make An Infographic, and more! Create high quality designs in a fun and easy to use graphic design software and make your work stand out more than ever.

Looking to build a brochure? CorelDRAW has powerful features that allow you to easily create professional looking brochure. Click below to download your free 15-day trial and make a brochure for free before you buy!

Creating graphics for a small business can be a daunting task, unless you have a plan and a goal. In this tutorial we will be creating a template for a brochure. By using a template, you can greatly reduce the design time and allow you to ensure consistency from one project to the next. A video version of this tutorial can be viewed at the Corel Discovery Center.

This brochure, also called a feature sheet, can be used for a real estate agent when listing properties. This type of document is usually a single or double-sided document that is 8 X 11 inches. Here it will take on the form of a 2 fold brochure.1. After launching CorelDRAW, create a new document from the CorelDRAW defaults and have letter-sized page set to landscape. Set the primary color mode to RGB and the leave the rendering resolution set to 300dpi. Click OK.2. Start by clicking the ruler in the top-left corner where they intersect and drag the cursor to the top-left corner of the page. This will reset the ruler position to the topleft corner of the page.3. Click on the vertical ruler and drag out three guidelines, one at the 5 inch, one at the 5 inch and one at 6 inch mark along the horizontal ruler to divide the page in half and create two panels with margins.4. Using the rulers as a guide, drag out two horizontal guidelines and two vertical guidelines and place them 1/2" from each edge of the page.

When completing the Designer notes, provide enough information to allow someone else to effectively construct the brochure. Doing this will ensure that when it comes time for you ro re-use it, you have ample instructions of finish the task.

With a goal, spending a bit of time planning and then executing the plan using a few simple tools and some basic principles of design, this project can be very rewarding.If you have enjoyed this tutorial, be sure to check out the other tutorials that are available in the Discovery Center. If you have any ideas for tutorials or projects that you would like to see in the future, please leave us some Feedback.

In this tutorial you will learn how to design a colorful brochure in Corel Draw. You will learn how to design the front and back of the brochure. The source .cdr file for this beautiful brochure design template is also available for download!

We are open to publishing guest posts related to graphic and web design. These could be tutorials, useful graphic/web design resources or in-depth guides. If would like to contribute, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us using the button below.

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This tutorial will show you how to design your own business card and have it set to print on a letter size sheet of paper. 2ff7e9595c


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