Principal Learning Objectives: (Same learning objectives from ) 1. To gain understanding of the principles of how animals work at the molecular, cellular, and systems levels. This understanding will come not by memorizing a large body of facts, but by developing mental models of the various physiological processes (e.g. transport processes, cell-cell signaling, metabolism, thermoregulation, circulation, respiration…) that underlie life. 2. To gain skill in thinking like a physiologist. This requires both asking and answering questions about physiology, and so involves observing phenomena, generating hypotheses about the underlying mechanisms, and devising tests of your hypotheses. 3. To appreciate the physiological similarities and differences between the physiologies of humans and other organisms, and so to understand how the study of physiology is thoroughly relevant to your own life and to the world around you.
Additional Lab Guidelines An essential component of learning in physiology requires the use of live animals. It is impossible to demonstrate the full extent of possible responses through textbooks readings or lectures. As emerging professionals, it is expected that all students will demonstrate respect and maturity when working with these animals. If any disrespect or intentional cruelty is inflicted upon the animals, it may be reason to be expelled from the course with an "I" (incomplete), "W" (withdrawal), or automatic "E" (failing grade) depending the timing and degree of the offense. No horse play, cutting up, playing around, etc. is allowed in the laboratory. There are many students coming and going in the lab throughout the day and materials are sometimes shuffled around. Squirting someone with a solution in a syringe or a bottle can be dangerous. You might "know" it is water but another person does not. A 3M KCl solution can easily be mistaken for water, and can be very harmful if squirted by accident in someone's eye. Every student will have to have completed the on line safety test and bring to the lab on the 1st day of your section meeting time. It is an easy test and you can take it multiple times until you get a 100 %. Either save and email your TA, or print it out and bring it to the first lab of the semester. The TA will check you off for having completed the exercise. The website for the safety test is:
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The thermal physiology of most birds and mammals is characterised by considerable spatial and temporal variation in body temperature. Body temperature is, therefore, a key parameter in physiological, behavioural and ecological research. Temperature measurements on freely moving or free-ranging animals in the wild are challenging but can be undertaken using a range of techniques. Internal temperature may be sampled using thermometry, surgically implanted loggers or transmitters, gastrointestinal or non-surgically placed devices. Less invasive approaches measure peripheral temperature with subcutaneous passive integrated transponder tags or skin surface-mounted radio transmitters and data loggers, or use infrared thermography to record surface temperature. Choice of technique is determined by focal research question and region of interest that reflects appropriate physiological or behavioural causal mechanisms of temperature change, as well as welfare and logistical considerations. Particularly required are further studies that provide opportunities of continuously sampling from multiple sites from within the body. This will increase our understanding of thermoregulation and temperature variation in different parts of the body and how these temperatures may change in response to physiological, behavioural and environmental parameters. Technological advances that continue to reduce the size and remote sensing capability of temperature recorders will greatly benefit field research.
Intra-peritoneal (and sometimes also intra-abdominal) implants are commonly used when continuous long-term body temperature profiles are desirable, such as when studying the functional characteristics of thermoregulation. Implantable temperature-sensitive devices have been used for this purpose in a wide range of species (see references in [17]), and have provided considerable insights into the thermal biology of a large number of free-ranging animals. The devices basically come in two forms; data loggers and radio transmitters. Common to all implants is the need for surgery, which requires anaesthesia. Sedation itself is often unproblematic, but mortality may occur despite proper dosage [38] so care must be taken to monitor vital signs and provide post-surgical recovery. Although surgical implantation is logistically demanding, it has been successfully used on wild animals by either transporting animals to temporary surgical facility [39] or directly undertaking surgery in the field [40]. Implantation of devices may actually be preferable to externally attached loggers in long-term studies [41].
When subjects cannot or need not be captured, there are possibilities to study body temperature patterns using infrared thermography (IRT). IRT involves the detection of infrared radiation, which is emitted from all surfaces with a temperature above 0 K [16]. An obvious strength of IRT as compared to other means of temperature sampling is that it allows for an integrated measure of the thermal properties of different surfaces of the body in freely moving animals and functional variation in heat loss from the surface of different body regions [91, 92]. In endotherms with a relatively thin pelage or plumage, thermal imaging could also be optimised to investigate regional heterothermy. This would allow assessment of the extent to which animals strategically alter blood flow to the body periphery to control heat loss. However, IRT only determines surface temperature and, therefore, changes in internal temperature must be measured using other techniques (e.g. [93]). Attempts have been made to correlate IRT surface temperature measurements with core body temperature. For example, by removing a small area of plumage from the head of ducklings, scalp temperature was shown to be within 1 C of cloacal measurements over a range of ambient temperatures [94]. Similarly, facial skin temperature measured via thermal imaging explained more than 80 % of the variation in core body temperature in domestic fowl [95]. Due to the lack of insulation around the eye, the temperature of this region is often closest to core temperature compared to other peripheral regions. The surface temperature of the eye region is not a reliable predictor of core temperature [96]. However, measurement of temperature of the eye region or other bare skin areas may be useful for detecting stress responses [97, 98].
This review was the outcome of WS1 Body temperature measurement in free-ranging animals on 24 September 2014 at The 5th Bio-logging Science Symposium (BLS5), Strasbourg, France. The workshop was supported and funded by IBAHCM, University of Glasgow. We thank speakers A. Gleiss, B. Cresswell, E. Hohtola, K. Herborn, N. Weissenböck, P. Jerem, P. Ponganis, P-Y. Henry and S. Annaheim and all participants for very useful discussion of techniques. R. Dwyer kindly provided insights into acoustic temperature measurement. DM was supported in this work by a grant from the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. AN was funded by the Royal Physiographic Society in Lund and the Swedish Research Council (Grant No. 637-2013-7442).