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How To Read Better And Faster Norman Lewis Pdf Free: Master the Art of Reading with This Classic Wor


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How To Read Better And Faster Norman Lewis Pdf Free

This book is an excellent resource for any person who is looking to improve his reading skills. The author provides tips and techniques related to finding main ideas, perception, inner speech, lip movements, vocalization, and regression. Similarly, he answers many queries such as how to get the gist quickly, how to build a better reading vocabulary, how to read with aggressive comprehension, and how to skim. Moreover, there are tons of practice material provided within each chapter.

Instead of getting hung up on new concepts and slowing down, you see connections faster. This effect allows for developing conclusions faster and enabling you to read more based on preexisting connections in your mind.

In other words, reading faster can never be about speed on its own. If you learn how to stop subvocalizing, you might gain a marginal speed gain, but what would it matter? This impossible technique requires so much focus just to fail at it, that it will be nearly impossible to remember more.


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