Machining or metal cutting is one important aspect of the production system. Ultimate objecting of machining is to give intended shape, size and finish by gradually removing material from workpiece. Relevant steps such as removal of material, setting the job and cutting tool, and dispatching the machined job consume substantial amount of time, which are at least not negligible. For effective planning of the entire production, overall machining or cutting time must be incorporated.
Metal Cutting Theory And Practice By A.bhattacharya.pdf
Metal Cutting Theory and Practice, Third Edition shapes the future of material removal in new and lasting ways. Centered on metallic work materials and traditional chip-forming cutting methods, the book provides a physical understanding of conventional and high-speed machining processes applied to metallic work pieces, and serves as a basis for effective process design and troubleshooting.
The authors also offer updated information on tooling grades and practices for machining compacted graphite iron, nickel alloys, and other hard-to-machine materials, as well as a full description of minimum quantity lubrication systems, tooling, and processing practices. In addition, updated topics include machine tool types and structures, cutting tool materials and coatings, cutting mechanics and temperatures, process simulation and analysis, and tool wear from both chemical and mechanical viewpoints. 2ff7e9595c